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Our Values

Scientific Approach

We endeavour to provide the most current, evidence based Physiotherapy, strength and conditioning and nutrition services.

Reduce Risk of Injury

Our practice is supported by a foundation of Physiotherapy, sport science and nutrition designed to fast-track your results with reduced risk of injury.

Habit Sustainability

We provide the essentials to reach your body composition goals by working with you to create sustainable habits.

Dedication to Excellence

Our practice is backed by over a decade of Physiotherapy and Strength and Conditioning experience trusted by some of Australia’s top athletes

Our Mission

Wild Physio Fitness supports clients of all ages and fitness levels to:

  • Recover from injury

  • Reduce risk of injury

  • Maximise sporting potential

  • Achieve fitness goals

  • Create sustainable habits so they can reach their body composition goals

We provide current, evidence based Physiotherapy, strength & conditioning, and nutrition services. Our practice is backed by over a decade of experience trusted by some of Australia’s top athletes.

Meet Our Team


Strength & Conditioning Coach

I aim to empower people into taking control of their health, and to help people move with less fear and more confidence.

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Director | Physiotherapist
Strength & Conditioning Coach | Nutritionist

My focus is empowering people of all ages and fitness levels to take control of their health and live sustainable, and most importantly, happy lives.

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Personal Trainer | Allied Health Assistant
Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)

My passion is giving people the skills to utilise exercise to take control of their physical and mental health.


Personal Trainer | Strength & Conditioning Coach
⁠Exercise Scientist | ⁠Allied Health Assistant

The focus of my work is to reduce the risk of injury to athletes, while pushing their physical capabilities to the limits.



I am particularly drawn to helping people navigate behaviour changes and develop healthier eating habits, which ultimately inspired me to become an Accredited Practising Dietitian.